
How to create makefile for c program in linux in debian
How to create makefile for c program in linux in debian

how to create makefile for c program in linux in debian how to create makefile for c program in linux in debian

Obviously, your mother tongue whether it is English, German, Chinese, Hindi, or something else. Let’s say you want to train your cat or puppy how to sit or jump on your commands, then what language you will use. H ere we will show the steps to install GCC compiler and how to write, compile and run a C program in Linux. Therefore, if you know the C language, it is much easier to learn, write programs and run other programming languages ​​on Linux operating systems such as C ++, Java, Perl, or PHP, as the languages ​​have certain similarities. As we know Turbo C compiler is a discontinued integrated development environment, well, on Linux you don’t need it as there is already GNU Compiler Collection to compile and run C or C++ programs. The C programming language is still alive because it is simple and can do a lot of things.

How to create makefile for c program in linux in debian